Friday, May 29, 2009

Small Frustrations

I have been too busy to blog lately, and I am trying to catch up with 23 things assignments. First issue--what were all those logins and passwords I was sure I would not forget? Like a lot of people, I had written them down somewhere and then misplaced my list, or it wasn't where I was anyway. So finally, I did have to get an email from blogspot to get me back on track. I tried some of the Flickr fun stuff. The spelling was a lot of fun, but I never got the knack of selecting and saving an entire word. I could save only one letter, and although I left the screen open, the letters continued to scramble and undo all my hard work. Maybe you aren't supposed to be able to do this. The speech balloons look like fun. I'm sure I'll use that at some point. Here's a puzzle thing that looks cute and would be a good gift for puzzle lovers.
Anyway, there are two things I have learned today. People who are really good at this stuff have integrated it into their lives. Almost any task, errand, or interpersonal communication begins online for them. They are fast. And they don't spend a lot of time trying to remember passwords.
Second thing I have learned is that I could easily be sucked into the vortex of creating mosaics or playing Flickr Sudoku--I love Sudoku--and never come up for air.

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